The Crossover...

In the mid '80s something happened to hardcore. The scene started to fall apart, and that sucked, but something else came out of it. Metal started invading hardcore. Now i don't mean melodic pop metal from that period, well some of that crap did invade and it sucked, think Discharge 1986, definately not "Never Again..."
but what did come out of it was some insane fast hardcore/metal that fuckin ruled and still rules!
Stuff like:
In my eyes, this is the ULTIMATE crossover record, holy crap it is amazing.

this is the DRI record that came out a little bit after
the COC record above. More metal yet still hardcore.
this Cryptic Slaughter record is brutal, fast venice hardcore/metal.
this record's second side has also been called the first real Death Metal...
The Bay areas "Attitude Adjustment" fast and tight, this record is still to this day amazing.
then you have some stuff that is more metal than hardcore like Nuclear Assault from NYC. that logo is way metal.
and then the ultimate crossover style band to come from NYC, Peter Steele's Carnivore.

Alot of people say that the Cro Mags is a crossover band but I don't, the NYC sound from the mid 80's always had a metal edge to it, the second record maybe.
the first Cro-Mags album might still be the greatest record of all time.

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